
Kim Kendall - President

Linda Molica - Executive Officer

Annette Tornelli - Recording Secretary

Katherine Martin - Treasurer

Mary Anne O’Shea - Corresponding Secretary

Mary Matheus - Parliamentarian

Vice Presidents (Deanery Presidents)

Miriam Velo - Central

Ellen Waldrop - Eastern

Diane Owen - Northern

Dorothy Rua - Southern

Irene Dobson - Western

Spiritual Advisors

Rev. Miguel Gonzalez - ODCCW

Fr. William Slight, M.S. - Central

Rev. Andrzej Jurkiewicz - Eastern

Fr. Mark Wajda - Northern

Fr. John Bosco Maison - Southern

Rev. Jareck Sztybel - Western

Commission Chairs

Angela Morris - Leadership Commission Chair

Toya Martin - Legislative Advocacy Committee Chair

Barbara McGee - Service Commission Interim Chair

Rochelle Tester - Spirituality Commission Chair

ODCCW Officers for 2024-2026 (from left to right) Treasurer Kasey Martin, Recording Secretary Annette Tornelli, Executive Office Linda Molica and President Kim Kendall

Committee Chairs

Finance/Budget Committee - Vilma Barrett

Auditor - Kathy Leigh

Election Committee - Ginny Hagan

Convention Core Committee Chair - Kim Kendall

Cornucopia/Newsletter - Rosi Schuhmacher Reese, Editor; Gwen Allen, Distributor

Diversity Committee - Rosi Schuhmacher Reese

Publicity Committee and ODCCW Webmaster - Nanette Parratto-Wagner

Golden Rose Award Committee - Georgette Hoppenbrouwer

Bylaws Committee - Mary Matheus

Focus 11 - Sue Miller

June Sayers Committee - Susie Harting

Membership Committee - Cathy Petroff

AV Coordinator & Consultant - Toya Martin

Nominating Committee - Susie Harting

Facebook Moderator - Cathy Petroff

Esteemed Life Member Award - Ginny Hagan

Personal Development Coordinator - open

Human Trafficking Task Force Representative - Susie Harting

Domestic Violence Education Coordinator - Kathy Bonner

NCCW LTD Team - Susie Harting, Coordinator

NCCW Secretary - Susie Harting

FCCW Treasurer - Mary Matheus

Past Presidents

Lisa Marie Gill 2022-2024

Virginia Hagan 2020-2022

Kathy Leigh 2018-2022

Mary Matheus 2016-2018

Cathy Petroff 2014-2016

Kathy Kirchon (deceased) 2012-2014

Gwen Allen 2010-2012

Susie Harting 2008-2010

Peg Middleton (deceased) 2006-2008

Sue Miller 2004-2006

Rosi Schuhmacher 2002-2004

Mary Cook (deceased) 2000-2002

Shirley Buckler (deceased) 1998-2000

Karen Hill 1996-1998

Rita Billingsley 1994-1996

Ginny Loso (deceased) 1992-1994

Faye Johnson (deceased) 1990-1992

Dorothy Downey (deceased) 1988-1990

Kathy Bonner 1986-1988

Ellen Bachman 1984-1986

Julie Drake 1982-1984

Toni Horvath (deceased) 1980-1982

Jean Hayes (deceased) 1978-1980

Nancy Brockman 1976-1978

Cris Halsema 1974-1976

Winkie Lefils 1972-1974

Marge Kaylos (deceased) 1970-1972

June Sayers (deceased) 1968-1970


Marie Callahan (deceased)

Jane Lake (deceased)

Toni Schoebert (deceased)